What is Ultrasonic Cleaning?

The imploding bubbles act like microscopic scrubbing brushes throughout the cleaning tank and remove dirt from all over the item, far more effectively than most other methods.The BenefitsWithin the ultrasonic cleaner, wherever the water touches, ultrasonic action is taking place. Ultrasonic cleaning submerges the items within a bath of water, allowing all areas of the item to be deep-cleaned.Deep Clean multiple items at once.We all know how much easier it is to use a dishwasher rather than hand wash every item of crockery and cutlery. In much the same way, multiple tools and implements can be cleaned together in an ultrasonic cleaner. Unlike the action of a dishwasher, ultrasonic baths facilitate parts with crevices, hollows and blind holes to receive the same cleaning action as easier to reach surfaces.Confidence that every clean is effective, no matter who performs it.

Our ultrasonic baths can be programmed so that at the touch of a button, each clean is exactly the same as the last. Try as we may, it is just not possible to replicate a thorough wash by hand every time. This is even more of an issue if you are relying on different members of staff to perform the task. 
 You don't need to watch the ultrasonic bath do it's job, you can leave smaller items to clean while you get on with disinfecting surfaces and other larger items, saving you time and money.